The Launch Interview: I-Connect Catches Up With Cohen

WEST HAVEN, Connecticut, USA, May 4, 2016  -Launch Communications, LCC is delighted to share with you some great news! The good folks at I-Connect007 recently conducted a comprehensive interview with our Grand Poohbah, Barry Lee Cohen, about the launch of Launch. It's featured in today's "Daily News" publication! Over the coming week, the interview will also be featured in their sister electronics industry publications. We hope you find the time to, "Read All About Me!" LOL. 

Click Here to read the the interview.

Should you or someone you know wish to explore how Launch can deliver marketing, communications, public relations and events that deliver engaging results, please don't hesitate to contact BLC at 203-645-2913 or email

Launch will make any Small or Mid-sized Business our Big Business commitment, while offering Fortune 500 companies, non-profit and industry associations measurable results!

EnJoy---and BLAST-OFF!