Workplace Safety

Safety First: It's Good for Business


When it comes to workplace safety there is a direct tie in between people and profits. Given the constant pressure for performance and profits, even the most well-meaning management teams wrestle with the question, “Can we afford to go all in on safety?” The answer: “You can’t afford not to.”


Light Up the Sky with Safety

Without question, fireworks are synonymous with the Fourth of July. From public displays to backyard barbecues, the bombs bursting in air own the skies and our hearts as we celebrate the independence of our nation. However, smiles and laughter can quickly turn to sorrow and serious injuries if safety is not included as part of the holiday preparations.

Myths about Millennials: Workplace Safety Matters

Millennials now represent the largest share of the American workforce. You might assume this generation exhibits a lack of interest and motivation to participate in workplace safety programs. In fact, millennials place a higher value on safety than other generation, especially workplace safety – more than any other generation.

Off the Job Safety Never Takes a Break

OSHA doesn’t follow us out the door, that’s why so many companies have expanded their workplace health and safety programs to include employees’ living rooms and leisure activities. These programs foster employee engagement, while increasing productivity and accident prevention on the job – and at home.

Workplace Safety Communication: Are Your Employees Engaged or Indifferent?

As more companies begin transforming their traditional safety initiatives to behavior based safety (BBS) programs, employee engagement and safety awareness will increase, accident prevention strategies will be put in place and employers will be able to define corporate culture.