Retooling in a Time of Transition

Launch Letter by Barry Lee Cohen

Launch Letter by Barry Lee Cohen

No one knows exactly how long it will take for the COVID-19 pandemic to dissipate and disappear. Vaccines are currently undergoing rushed, yet meticulous trials. I have no doubt that if any country can beat this war on humanity, it is the USA.

I also have no doubt that life as we know it will be a new normal. Now, I'm not saying that each of us will carry measuring tapes so to ensure our 6' distance. Nor am I predicting that NFL stadiums, college basketball courts, and high school hockey rinks will showcase teams competing in sparsely attended venues as most fans watch via various streaming services. 

What I am predicting is that we will retool to be more responsible, more thoughtful and yes---safer---both personally and professionally. The way we greet, where we meet and how we interact both physically and emotionally will change. "Business as usual," will initially seem as "business unusual." Heightened communication, creativity, and sensitivity, as well as innovation in the boardroom and at home, will result in making companies and families more productive, safer and happier. 

The 9/11 terrorist attacks resulted in the most rigorous and revolutionary security standards that changed virtually every aspect of our lives from air travel to defense, and from banking to communication. It was unimaginable 19 years later that our next war would not be against the most maniacal of mankind, but instead, an invisible virus that could cast its terror via a droplet of moisture or by touching of what used to be an obtuse, everyday object.

I view this challenging time as a mission to strengthen ties and create whatever reasonable value possible for our clients, partners, friends, and wonderful West Haven.

Now is the time to reflect and retool...opportunity vs. adversity.
We will all come out of this pandemic stronger, more tolerant and kinder.

We are in a time of transition. We will triumph.